Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ich hätte durch die Bürokratie schneiden, aber wo liegt die Schere?

So, after a very interesting side trip to Political Land (wedged between the Harvey the Rabbit's House and a traffic-free L.A.), PfG is back to doing what it does best: unpacking cultural dilemmas and travel blogging. Assuming, of course, that is what this blog does best...

Anyway, this particular topic has been bouncing around my head for the last couple weeks, and is posed in the form of a semi-rhetorical question, but more on that in a bit. The background of this week's topic lies in the seemingly mountainous list of tasks I need to accomplish to legally and successfully leave Germany. It includes an Abmeldung (officially letting the gov't know you're leaving and canceling visa), closing bank account, fixing/inspecting apartment, turning off the internet (lip trembles in sadness...), selling one's furniture, and then packing and leaving. If it seems like a lot, it feels like a lot. My semi-rhetorical question is this: Is it this hard to leave America? Or perhaps another country? Or is this experience perhaps unique to the Bundesrepublik.

I would love comments or feedback from everyone if they have done this sort of thing personally or known someone who has. I really am curious as to what leaving America entails. Having just read an article regarding the experiences of illegal immigrants returning home, I intend to further my research with the beacon of all academic research: Wikipedia! In all seriousness, I am pursuing some investigations in the matter, and would love some guidance.

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