School is going well, other than bashing my head against the desire to have a more comprehensive vocabulary. Nothing can be more humbling than explaining something that is so completely obvious to your historical and analytical mind and being brought to your knees by the word for.....different. (It's Unterschied as noun and verschieden as adjective) Sigh. But the transit system here in Berlin is amazing; I have no problem going to a school some 45 minutes distant.
Bureaucratically speaking, I am progressing nicely in the festering quagmire that is the German political machine. I can safely say that the police now know where I live (a potentially disturbing prospect) but on the plus side, I can also avoid the large fine associated with not registering. (Humorously enough, the police issue the citation) Was faced with the briefest of Catch-22's when I realized in order to register at University I needed to pay my fees, but to pay my fees I needed a bank account for which I needed to register with the police. I then needed all of these forms to get my visa. Lots of fun to be sure.
As the title would suggest, it is outrageously cold here in Berlin. There are actually places in this world in which fall as a season is experienced (oh how I miss thee California). Needless to say the high and low temps forecasted for this weekend hover around 15/8 C (that's 59/46 for you standard kids), which calls for scarves and sweaters, and gasp! layers. Well, that's me in a nutshell for the last week or so, which I must say simply flies by.
I'll leave you all with heartfelt thanks for the reads and comments, and some shots of the Casa de Will/Adam.
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